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London's Postcode Wars: Knife Gangs Taking Over the Capital (explicit language throughout)
Please answer the questions about the video below.
London's postcode wars
What do you think about postcode beef?
Do you think there is a pattern between poverty and crime?stion 6
Choose an option
What did you think/feel after hearing what young dizz said in his song Kermit ‘somebody tell her I don’t give a fuck that her son ain’t here’ ‘I was laughing when I saw the pic of her mum bury her kid’ How would you feel if that was one of your family members he was talking about?
If you could speak to the leaders of these gangs, what would you say to them? Discuss with a partner.
How would you feel if you were walking out of the cinema with your friends/family and heard gun shots? What would you do?
Is it illegal to carry a gun in the UK?
Choose an option
If carrying a gun were legal in the UK do you think more killings would occur?
Choose an option
What sentence does carrying a gun hold?
What is your opinion on drill music?
Do you think it has an effect/impact on gang related violence?
Choose an option
Name of Young Person
Date Completed
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